Gmail Ads is an ad model that is placed in the promotions section on Gmail.
You can reach the users with a mail and share all the details you would like to share with the users in this mail.
Keyword Targeting
Your ads are displayed according to the keywords you choose. For example, let’s assume that you pick the health keyword. Your ads will be displayed to users who receive an email with a health word in it.
Demographic Targeting
You can decide on your target according to age, gender, or parenthood status.
Domain Targeting
You can target users, who receive emails from the website you choose. For example, you can target a user who receives emails from a sports website to promote anything to him. It will be enough for you to pick the target domains.
Topic Targeting
You can target topics about your products and services to reach users relevant to your brand. For example, a textile company can target topics such as fashion.
Interest Area and Remarketing
You can display your ads to users who visited your website for your products or services.
We can express that the Gmail ad model is a much easier ad model compared to others. Make sure that users click on your emails with catchy titles and try to attract them to your website with quality content.
If you would like to promote your campaign with Gmail Ads and you have anything on your mind, you can contact us.